
Market Research Agency
in Philippines

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Market Research Services in Philippines


Private Testing Rooms

conversation 2

Focus Groups Rooms

live 1

Remote Viewing

reception 1

Reception Services

Our research teams have extensive experience and expertise in offering analysis and insights for clients based in Philippines and across the Asia-Pacific region, as well as for many of the world’s largest companies outside of Asia-Pacific.


We use the most up-to-date market research tools and techniques to design tailored research programs for organisations in a broad range of industries.

Participant Recruitment Profiles Philippines - the data you need


Major Ethnicities

Mainly Filipino.


Languages Spoken

Tagalog, English. Being English as the second language, it is more challenging to find people who will speak only Tagalog unless they are not educated. Taglish is used across all socio-economic classes. It is difficult to find people who naturally speak in pure Tagalog unless in an academic setting.



95% show rate Requires constant reminders


Tech Test Compliance

A speed test to test their internet connection is a must because the internet service in this country is not as good and stable compared to other Asian markets. People will have to pay a higher broadband package or even have to use 2 different wifi’s.

Tips for Recruiting Participants in Philippines

  • Filipinos are generally skeptical and unaware of market research.
  • You have to properly explain to them and provide as much information as possible to make them understand and be comfortable with.

Philippines - Demographic data

Real GDP growth 6.04% (2019)
Real GDP per capita $8,000 (2020)
Unemployment Rate 2.41% (2021)
Currency peso
Population 114,597,229 (2022)
Population Growth Rate 1.6%(2022)
Urban Population 48%
Agriculture 9.6% (2017)
Industry 30.6% (2017)
Services 59.8% (2017)
Capital Manila
Internet Penetration 49.8%
Internet Population 54,790,543(2020)
Median Age 24.1 years
Birth Rate (/ 1000 population) 22.28 births(2022)
Life Expectancy 70.14 years